Accepted fields

Basic fields

Column nameAlternative namesFunctionRequiredExample
NameStore, Business, CompanyName of storeYesSuper Sports
AddressAddress1, StreetStreet/AddressYes999 Main Street
Address2Street2Street/Address (line 2)NoBeverly Hills
CityAddress3Town or CityYesLos Angeles
Postal codePostcode, Zip, Zip codeLocation zip or post codeNo90210
StateProvinceState (3 letters max)NoCA
PhonePhone number, TelephonePhone numberNo0123-456-789
WebsiteWebsite address, in full (appears as link)No

Opening times

Column nameAlternative namesFunctionRequiredExample
MondayMonMonday opening hoursNo9:30am - 5:00pm
TuesdayTueTuesday opening hoursNo9:30am - 5:00pm
WednesdayWedWednesday opening hoursNo9:30am - 5:00pm
ThursdayThuThursday opening hoursNo9:30am - 5:00pm
FridayFriFriday opening hoursNo9:30am - 5:00pm
SaturdaySatSaturday opening hoursNo9:00am - 6:00pm
SundaySunSunday opening hoursNoClosed

Advanced fields

Column nameAlternative namesFunctionRequiredExample
FacebookFacebook linkFacebook page URL (appears as a clickable icon)No
TwitterTwitter linkTwitter feed URL (appears as a clickable icon)No
LinkedInLinkedIn linkLinkedIn page URL (appears as a clickable icon)No
InstagramInstagram linkInstagram feed URL (appears as a clickable icon)No
PinterestPinterest linkPinterest page URL (appears as a clickable icon)No
YouTubeYouTube linkYouTube URL (appears as a clickable icon)No
EmailE-mailEmail address (appears as a mail link)
TagsTagsDefines tags (e.g. product types) separated by a commaNoType1,Type13,Type25
Tags2Second set of TagsDefines a second, independent set of tags separated by a commaNoType1,Type13,Type25
Tags3Third set of TagsDefines a third, indepenent set of tags separated by a commaNoType1,Type13,Type25
Misc1Any extra information to showNoSale now on!
Misc2Any extra information to showNo
Misc3Any extra information to showNo
Misc4Any extra information to showNo
TerritoriesRegionsList of the postal/zip codes this location covers (used to define 'sales territories' when used in conjunction with the 'Sales territories' search. Postal codes should be separated by a comma)No90209,90210,90211,90212,90213
PositionLat,Lng WGS84 (overrides address, useful when geocoding keeps failing)No38.67342,-77.56438
LatitudeWGS84 (overrides address, useful when geocoding keeps failing)No38.67342
LongitudeWGS84 (overrides address, useful when geocoding keeps failing)No-77.56438
PriorityAllows you to determine the relative priority of stores in the results (i.e. value of 3s appear above 2s, which appear above 1s etc, regardless of distance). You can define priority values from 1 to 998. Tip: A value of 999 means the store will appear the results EVERY time (for online-only stores use a value of 999 and omit the address fields)No2
IconStore icon (e.g. to have different icons for different store types)Nohttps://www.mystore/icons/type1.png
Tip: Instead of a URL, you can specify a color from the following: red, orange, yellow, green, lightgreen, blue, lightblue, cyan, purple, pink, brown, gray, black, white
LogoStore logo URLNohttps://www.mystore/logos/logotype1.png
RadiusThe "influence" of the store in miles/km. A radius of 10 miles means the store will only in the results if within 10 miles of the search location. So if the search location is 15 miles away and the search is for stores within 20 miles it WON'T appear. Conversely if the search for stores within 5 miles it WILL appearNo20
Website labelLabel for the website link (i.e. instead of the URL website)NoView Website
PasswordPassword needed to edit this store (used in shared editing mode where store owners can edit their own details)Nof5Jdf9a